البحوث المنشورة في المستوعبات العالمية/ كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة

اسم الناشرين اسم البحث سنة النشر
خليل ستار محمد

محمد صالح فليح

مهند طالب عبد

Building and codifying a scale of the level of tactical performance of advanced volleyball players. 2019
ماهر عبد الاله The relationship of psychological fluency with a motivation of achievement for volleyball players – seconding  . 2019 قبول نشر
محمد صالح فليح

ماهر عبد الاله

An comparative study of the results of the Iraqi volleyball applicants from sitting for the year 2017 2019 قبول نشر
ماهر عبد الإله

وسن جاسم

A comparative study of the level of mental health and its correlation  to the skill of spike of the players of education teams in Baghdad  Karkh volleyball 2020 قبول نشر
احمد ذاري

علي سعد عبد الحميد

أمواج محمد علي

Psychological pressures and their relationship to the competitive orientation of football players in the Iraqi primary league for 2018 -2019 2020 قبول نشر
 زيدون جواد محمد

محمد جواد كاظم

غادة مؤيد شهاب

Evaluation of Training Curriculum in Terms Pressure and Threshold Indexes of for 400m Iraqi National Athletics Team Players/  Journal of Human Sport and Exercise
 زيدون جواد محمد The Effect of Lactate Threshold Training on Improving the Functionality of the Lungs/  Journal of Human Sport and Exercise
زيدون جواد محمد The Effect of Glutamine as a Dietary Supplement on some of the Runner’s Biochemical, Physical and Level of Achievement Responses/  Journal of Human Sport and Exercise
 ظافر حرب الابراهيمي

جميل قاسم محمد البدري

د. عقيل حميد عودة

Semi-regular Exercises for the Rehabilitation of Shoulder Joint for Weight Lifting Disabled Athletes/  Journal of Human Sport and Exercise
 ظافر حرب الابراهيمي

احمد محمد عبد الخالق الحسن

فرح عصام عبد الامير

The Use of Electrical Stimulation Device for the Muscles in the Limit Determines the Elbow Joint during the Lifting of the Disabled Weightlifting Players/ Journal of Human Sport and Exercise
 اياد صالح سلمان

نهى محسن ضاحي

سوزان سليم داوود

The Effectiveness of Using the Seven Year Learning Course in Learning a Kinematic Chain on a Parallel Apparatus in your Artistic Gymnastics for Women/ Journal of Human Sport and Exercise
 احمد مهدي الزبيدي

بيداء عبد الصاحب عنبر

The Poem of the Mask in the Poetry of AbdulAziz Al-Maqaleh